Parenting Programs and Services

Active Parenting

Active Parenting

(6 sessions of 2 hours each)

For families with children ages 5-12: A video-based parenting class, topics include parenting styles, mutual respect, how brain development affects children’s behavior and decision making, preventing future use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, cooperation & communication, responsibility & discipline; building courage & self-esteem, understanding and redirecting misbehavior and active parenting for school success.

Active Parenting for Teens- Families Moving Forward

(6 sessions of 2 hours each)

This video and discussion program brings parents and teens together providing a common ground for conversation so that they can work together on problem-solving. As well as topics covered in Active Parenting, this program is designed to strengthen youth against the risks they face every day including topics such as drugs, sexuality, and violence.

Triple P -  Positive Parenting Program

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

(1-4 sessions, additional sessions available if needed)

This is an Evidence Based Program with the main goals of increasing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents and reducing the prevalence of mental health, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. Children who grow up with positive parenting are more likely to develop the skills they need to do well at school, build friendships, and feel good about themselves. Triple P does not tell people how to parent but rather gives parents simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their values, beliefs, and needs. Sessions are facilitated by a certified, Triple P instructor and include discussion groups as well as individual sessions.

Ontario/Yates County Community Youth Prevention Counseling Services

(sessions as needed)

Youth considered at-risk or in high-risk environments may be referred to our Community Youth Prevention counselor by parents, school staff (teachers, principals, etc.) or by other community agencies for help with:

· Alcohol or other drugs

· School or behavioral problems

· Family problems (including abuse) or problems due to parental addiction

· Academic problems and/or school attendance issues

· Emotional problems (ex. self-esteem)

The Council on Alcoholism and Addictions of the Finger Lakes also offers a variety of non-evidence based programs including but not limited to:

Anger Management

Anger Management

(10 sessions)

A nationally-recognized program for youth and adults from SAMHSA that teaches awareness of individual triggers and develops competency in using strategies that manage anger and other strong emotions in healthy, productive ways. Topics covered: Overview of Anger Management Treatment; Events and Cues; Anger Control Plans; The Aggression Cycle; Cognitive Restructuring; Assertiveness and the Conflict Resolution Model; and Anger and the Family, including several review sessions.

Beyond Anger: Connecting with Self and Others

(4-5 sessions)

Beyond Anger was created for inmates and parolees but is also applicable to anyone interested in learning to manage and work through their anger issues. Beyond Anger takes a hard look at anger, its definition, how it becomes habit, and the immense effect it has on our lives. The program helps the individual to identify sources of resentment and anger and teaches strategies to move beyond them to forgiveness. It also examines how to “let go and move on” when relationships end.



(3 sessions of 2 hours each)

The Alcohol & Drug Prevention Education Program is a 6 hour/3 session program for 14-20 year-olds that are at-risk for substance abuse/dependence. Designed to give current and accurate information to promote healthy choices, ADPEP covers the cycle of addiction; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; drug effects on the brain and body; NYS drug & alcohol laws; gambling and other behavioral addictions and the family system. Life Skills such as goal setting, decision making, communication styles, and peer pressure refusal strategies are also

covered. Referrals come from self-referrals, parents, schools, PINS Diversion, and the court system. For individuals 21 and over, we offer a shorter 3-hour CTI (Choices and Their Impact) course adapted from the ADPEP curriculum.

YOU(th) Decide

YOU(th) Decide

YOU(th) Decide is a gambling and media initiative geared around enlightening students 9 – 12 grade about the effect gambling could have on their lives.

Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS)

Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS)

This interactive presentation provides education and awareness facilitated by HIPS certified educators regarding current drug trends, concealment of substances, and how to spot items in a teen’s bedroom that could signal at-risk behavior. Participants will be encouraged to see what they can find in our “mock” bedroom.

Additional programs/presentations specific to topics such as:

  • Vapes & Juuls
  • Opioids
  • Drugs and the Workplace
  • Substance Abuse and the Family
  • Social Media and the Workplace
  • Risk and Protective Factors
  • Recreational Marijuana – Understanding the New Legislative Laws
  • OASAS Gambling Presentation
  • And more